The legal carry of a firearm by his owner, either apparent or openly, is only allowed in the spaces of private property such as homes, businesses, workshops, ranches, farms and similar only by their owners. It is also permitted to openly carry to employees performing duties of surveillance and security in public and private businesses, industrial, of service, agricultural, and private security, and strictly in the assigned places and time of employment, in compliance with the requirements of identification, use of uniforms, and other required by this or other law.
At no time is permitted to openly carry weapons on the streets, public areas, public transportation vehicles, public institutions or commercial establishments, [of] industrial, of service, recreational, and any other space where people gather, except under the circumstances described on the first paragraph.
posted by
wraithseer at
September 2, 2013 СвернутьА я бы носил. И лучше не ствол, а меч. И выглядит статусно, и в драке пригодится.
Только вот у нас даже жалкую телескопическую дубинку таскать запрещено.
А ведь свободного человека в первую очередь отличает способность защитить себя.
posted by
gavBTR at
September 2, 2013 Свернутьтопор можно носить